Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Worcester 24i combi boiler fires up but gives no heat or hot water. Intermittent problem. Any advice?

When heating is put on or hot water is drawn, I can hear boiler firing up but no heat or hot water is produced. Sometimes it will work one evening but not the next despite me not having changed any settings. I have had the boiler checked and it is apparently fine. Could this be caused by air bubbles in the system? Would flushing the system help solve the problem? Any advice much appreciated as I know very little about central heating systems!Worcester 24i combi boiler fires up but gives no heat or hot water. Intermittent problem. Any advice?
An air lock in the heating system could cause a failure in the circulation of hot water to radiators but this would not affect the hot water for washing etc. But you can also get airlocks in the hot water pipes, so if your boiler is okay then clearly it must be a circulation problem. It could be that the pump is not working or you have airlocks in both parts of the system. Get the pump checked first and if the pump is internal to the boiler then that means the engineer needs to come out again only this time get him to check the whole system not just the boiler.Worcester 24i combi boiler fires up but gives no heat or hot water. Intermittent problem. Any advice?
As your first reply check that the boiler is actually firing and not just making a noise.

If it is not actually firing up it is probably down to the fan pressure switch, a device that monitors the fan and tells the control box(PCB) that the fan is working so the boiler can fire up safely.

I doubt if the pcb is faulty, they usually fail full stop. not intermittently.I also doubt if an air lock is the problem, these boilers have a flow switch which check circulation and will not allow the boiler to fire unless there is a circulation

A good heating service engineer will sort it out for you, if you don`t know one, use British Gas.
Who checked your boiler? Whoever it was probably knew less that you. Ask a Gas Safe registered heating engineer to fix it. British Gas Services are the only ones I would use. Worcester Bosch are very good boilers. BGS fit them as first choice so they know what they are doing.
If your boiler IS firing you would get some sort of heat from it if only for a very short time. You can probably hear something but in may only be the pump/fan running. Try looking at the flue outlet when you have turned it on and you should get pluming(looks like steam)coming from the terminal(pipe sticking out of wall or roof). It may be the fan sticking sometimes so you get to hear noises but nothing actually happens. As to having had it checked as all appliaces do it was probably on its best behaviour when the repair man came.
Hello, sorry to say this but I suspect that flushing would be useless. It sounds more likely that there is either and intermittent fault on a PCB (printed circuit board) or with one of the many sensors on your boiler. It could be (if you're lucky) a sticky change-over valve but I doubt it. Best advice would be to call in a central heating engineer who knows what they are doing with a multi meter. To have the problems you describe any air bubbles would have to be the size of a balloon.
an air lock in the system will not prevent the system heating up. The pump will just circulate the air with the water. Your hot water on a combi boiler is mains pressure, so there can be no airlock there.

I suggest that you check the water pressure gauge and set it at 1 or 2 bar. Iif it is below this, the boiler will fire up, but cut out as soon as the water in the boiler has reached temperature, it will heat the boiler only, and not the system. If this is not the answer to the problem, then there is a Thermistor on the boiler flow pipe which could be faulty. This is inside the boiler.
Get some one else to check it for you.It could be one of several faults from an NTC sensor to the printed circuit board.Flushing the system will only help if its choked up with sludge.If it works intermittently then i doubt it is sludge.

Seek a second opinion.

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