Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Im having problems between the man I love and my family, Can i get some advice!?

Right now I could be in New mexico with my ex in the AF but he was sexually abusive and those of you who are up to speed with the AF I wouldnt have to pay for anything. Now Im with a great man, hes good to me, he takes care of me. When my dads yelled at me and made me cry my fiance yells back for me. But i lost my job recently and have no money and i cant find another as fast as theyd like. So my dad wants bill money I dont have and my fiancee money when hes the one buying food and fixing our car. Well he tried to kick me out last night and I told him I would go. but I would have to drive to mississippi frow iowa to erase the risk of being homeless. My fiance wont leave the state without me, but i have so much large things i cant take with me that mean so much to me, and the only reason im here with my dad is because my mom left him and i didnt want to leave him alone. so why is he driving me away? should I leave it all behind and go? What can i do? Im only 18.Im having problems between the man I love and my family, Can i get some advice!?
forget about the ex, u don't want a man hitting u even if he has a lot of money - you'll be unhappy. if ur dad doesn't want u there and wont listen to you trying to talk to him, then maybe u should leave. leave with ur fiancee and live in the trailer - love is always something where u give it ur all, and u don't know whats gonna happen. leave ur dad a note telling him how u felt (express ur feelings and tell him the things that he didn't want to hear when u wanted to talk to him). leave to make ur life better, don't worry about material things (ask ur brother to take care of ur stuff if he can). if ur dad doesn't like ur fiancee, thats his problem. most dads don't like their daughters boyfriends anyway. clean up ur dads mess, tell him u love him, leave with ur man and take as much of ur stuff as u can. (listen to ur heart). u can always call ur dad, maybe after a week or 2 and just see how he's doing and stuff.Im having problems between the man I love and my family, Can i get some advice!?
u shud do what in ur heart...and du it for the right reasons not because ur parents push u too...tell ur dad u have no money...so he will have to wait if he wnts rent... if he loves u he will understand...he will wait rather than see u on the streets...
just sit down and talk to your dad, talking helps everything, you just need to understand whats going on with eachother
Bloods thicker than water, always respect that! It's probably the most important rule of family and something that I know my family would and always have stuck to and in return I'll be the same to them.

Family will always do what they things best for you and put you in situations they think are healthy, probably why your dads driving you away :).

As your only 18 I wouldnt rely on too many relationships, believe me no matter how much you think your in love it won't be as secure as you think, give it a couple of years and cracks form, it doesnt happen so much with people who are older, just be aware of it.
He could be the greatest guy on earth, but what worries me is the part about him being abusive. There is nothing better than you feeling secure, loved, nurtured, and comfortable. But there is no happiness in living with a phsyco. Be careful, talk more to the guy and really get to know him better. About your father, he probably thinks you are going to leave him so probablly his pride and the fact that he is maybe a little afraid and that will make him react.
Get a menial job in the meantime. You can afford to ship those furniture pieces that are too big then to your destination before you get there.

You cannot take care of yourself and you think a baby will help?? Oh no it would make things worse.

I am sorry you are in the position you are in, especially at your young age. It sounds like you have had a really tough time, and your family is not all they should be.

Maybe move to that trailer, get a job and start to put your life together.
I'm so sorry that you're in that stressful situation. However, you first need to analyze everything going on right now. What is your heart and mind telling you? Everyone argues, especially family, so for you and your dad to get into fights is typical. You need to understand he is probably really hurt and mad that your mother left him, so unfortunately he's taking it out on you. You should probably discuss these issues with him so he can realize that he's causing you pain. Before you do anything like moving you should be financial stable. It will only cause more problems if you're not. Like you said, what if you and your boyfriend don't work out. It sounds like you and your family really need each other. On the kid situation.... Make sure you have everything else handled before you decide to have children. Children cost a lot of money so you will definitely need a job. Hope this helped. Good Luck.
u have reached an interesting dilema...u shouldn't have to leave cross country. i would try livin with people i know.. or make some new friends. lol. as for ur man.. he doesn't seem so supportive now huh?? and why move all the way to new mexico.. i think u should bit ur tounge, apologize to ur dad... explain to him he should help u find a new job.. or at least get off ur back, and u can get him the money. why can't u go live with ur mom??

bf or no bf.. u need to do what's best for u.. with what u have been givin. so make the best of it.. or LEAVE it all behind. some people are better off that way.

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