Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to cope / deal with problems. I'm so confused. Don't know what to do.. would appreciate advice.?

I'm 21.

I work full time. 40+ hours a week at a sign shop (I build signs that go on the sides of buildings)

I also am going to a local junior college taking 2 classes.

I just got my bank statement and I'm overdrafted 365 dollars... I messed up.

My mom has been fighting smell cell cancer of the vagina for over 2 years but she's doing really bad right now and things don't look too good.

I'm really good at hiding my feelings but it's just been so hard lately. I don't know what to do. Or how to copeHow to cope / deal with problems. I'm so confused. Don't know what to do.. would appreciate advice.?
First of all, I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going too well for you.

The best thing to do in my opinion is to do a little venting session with your best friend or colleague. It'll get plenty off your chest, trust me,and the feeling that comes with it afterwards makes life alot more tolerable.

I'm not afraid to say that there was a point back in high school that suicide was a viable option for me, after losing a friend in a car crash, breaking up with my girlfriend, and failing half of my classes. Life sucked and I almost went through with it until one of my close friends had a talk with me.

Just remember to keep things positive. Instead of thinking about how bad you're doing right now, remember the good things that are happening all around you. You have a job in this horrid economy, you're doing well off enough that you have access to a computer, and I'm assuming that you have food to eat and clothes on your back.

Anyway, best of luck to you mate, and I hope things eventually work out for you.How to cope / deal with problems. I'm so confused. Don't know what to do.. would appreciate advice.?
If you think you are beaten you are

If you think you dare not you dont

If you like to win but think you cant you wont

If you think you will lose you are lost

For out of this world, we find success begins with a fellows state of mind

If you think you are outclassed you are

You have to think high to rise

You have to be sure of yourself before you can win a prize

Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

Sorry if you think this is crap but this gives me so much insperation when I am down

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